The Agile Mindset Blog

Archive by tag: agile careersReturn
How to Choose the Right ScrumMaster: Part 3

How to Choose the Right ScrumMaster: Part 3

  • View Count 9805
In the previous installment of this blog series, we looked at what might happen when moving our managers or team leads into the ScrumMaster role. Now, we'll discuss the value of choosing a "natural" ScrumMaster. When I visit my clients onsite to give them private Scrum training, the…
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How to Choose the Right ScrumMaster: Part 2

How to Choose the Right ScrumMaster: Part 2

  • View Count 9760
In Part One of this blog series, we looked at the potential pitfalls of moving our project managers into the ScrumMaster role. Now, let’s look at what might happen if we move someone from a leadership position - a team lead or manager - into the ScrumMaster role.
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How to Choose the Right ScrumMaster: Part 1

How to Choose the Right ScrumMaster: Part 1

  • View Count 11155
In our previous blog series, we looked at traditional organizational roles that sometimes move into the Product Owner role. We also examined the benefits and pitfalls of “converting” these individuals to product owners. Now, let’s answer the same question for the ScrumMaster role. Who makes a good ScrumMaster? Before we can answer that question, we need to examine…
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How to Choose the Right Product Owner: Part 3

How to Choose the Right Product Owner: Part 3

  • View Count 9769
In part 1 and 2 of this blog series, we looked at the benefits and pitfalls of filling the Product Owner role with either a business analyst or product manager. In the final installment of this blog, we’ll look at one more potential role transition: project manager to product owner.
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How to Choose the Right Product Owner: Part 2

How to Choose the Right Product Owner: Part 2

  • View Count 9912
In Part 1 of this blog, we looked at the pros and cons of transitioning your business analysts into the Product Owner role. Another common role transition is from product manager to product owner. When my clients do this, their reasoning goes like so: “We want a product owner who…
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Professional Agile Coaching Course to Premier in April

Professional Agile Coaching Course to Premier in April

  • View Count 9566
The need for experienced agile coaches is growing exponentially in the marketplace. My clients constantly reach out to me asking for coaching referrals and, frankly, there are not enough good coaches to go around! Most of my clients are doing a good job getting their people trained on...
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Finding an Agile Employer

Finding an Agile Employer

  • View Count 6479
The rocky job market of the last couple years has left many people looking for a new place of employment, either by choice or as part of staff reductions. For job seekers in the software industry, this can be an opportunity to consider joining an organization that specializes in Agile software development using one of the popular...
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