The Agile Mindset Blog

Archive by tag: scrum dysfunctionReturn
The Agile Reality Show

The Agile Reality Show

  • View Count 8786
Want to know how NOT to create a successful agile team? Rest assured, I have a proven formula for you. You need look no further than Dance Moms. Over the holiday season, I spent more time at home than usual. In the spirit of the holidays, I indulged in the typical American past times: I drank eggnog, I lounged on my sofa, and...
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Blended (Agile) Families

Blended (Agile) Families

  • View Count 7967
Being part of a company that merges with or, even more harrowing, is acquired by another company can be a nerve-wracking experience. You may have hard-won improvements in your work environment thanks to implementing agile practices and worry that the new company culture won't support them. Worse, the new company may...
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