The Agile Mindset Blog

Archive by tag: daily scrumReturn
Do We Need to Have a Daily Scrum Every Day?

Do We Need to Have a Daily Scrum Every Day?

  • View Count 7534
In short, yes - absolutely. This is a common question I get from my clients. “We used to have weekly status meetings and now, with Scrum, we have them every day. Can’t we skip a few or just do twice weekly?” When I get a question like this, I can tell that the person asking doesn’t understand the purpose of the daily Scrum. And I will admit, when I was new to Scrum (having come from the world of project management) I fell into this too.
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Common Mistakes in the Daily Scrum

Common Mistakes in the Daily Scrum

  • View Count 20762
Of all the Scrum meetings, the daily Scrum is the one I am most likely to see done out-and-out wrong. I think this stems from the fact that many people learned what to do in the daily Scrum, but never learned what a daily Scrum is supposed to produce. The purpose of the daily Scrum is work coordination. It is a meeting for the team to…
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The Sit-Down Stand-Up

The Sit-Down Stand-Up

  • View Count 16428
Convention says that the daily Scrum should always be done standing up. Staying on our feet helps keep the team focused, prevents long-winded conversations that wander off-topic and avoids the feeling of doing a status meeting. So sitting down during a daily scrum is always bad, right? Not necessarily. In short, it depends how and where you are sitting.
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