The Agile Mindset Blog

Archive by tag: product ownerReturn
Do We Need to Have a Daily Scrum Every Day?

Do We Need to Have a Daily Scrum Every Day?

  • View Count 7828
In short, yes - absolutely. This is a common question I get from my clients. “We used to have weekly status meetings and now, with Scrum, we have them every day. Can’t we skip a few or just do twice weekly?” When I get a question like this, I can tell that the person asking doesn’t understand the purpose of the daily Scrum. And I will admit, when I was new to Scrum (having come from the world of project management) I fell into this too.
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The Dangers of Creating a “Proxy” Product Owner

The Dangers of Creating a “Proxy” Product Owner

  • View Count 26909
Some of my clients grow frustrated with their disengaged, unskilled Product Owners. In an effort to get the work done, they create a new Scrum role called “Proxy Product Owner.” This person’s job, in a nutshell, is to do the “real” Product Owner’s job for them, particularly the…
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Is It Worth It to Become a Certified Scrum Product Owner?

Is It Worth It to Become a Certified Scrum Product Owner?

  • View Count 27020
Over the years that I have been a Certified Scrum Trainer, the attitude and composition of my typical Certified Scrum Product Owner course has changed dramatically. Years ago, my typical CSPO course attendee was someone who came to class telling me, “My developer said we are…
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How to Choose the Right Product Owner: Part 3

How to Choose the Right Product Owner: Part 3

  • View Count 9945
In part 1 and 2 of this blog series, we looked at the benefits and pitfalls of filling the Product Owner role with either a business analyst or product manager. In the final installment of this blog, we’ll look at one more potential role transition: project manager to product owner.
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How to Choose the Right Product Owner: Part 2

How to Choose the Right Product Owner: Part 2

  • View Count 10131
In Part 1 of this blog, we looked at the pros and cons of transitioning your business analysts into the Product Owner role. Another common role transition is from product manager to product owner. When my clients do this, their reasoning goes like so: “We want a product owner who…
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How to Hold an Effective Backlog Grooming Session

How to Hold an Effective Backlog Grooming Session

  • View Count 10388
When I come into organizations as an Agile Coach, one of the common areas of frustration with Scrum is the Sprint Planning Meeting. “These meetings take forever!” my clients complain. An easy way to make Sprint Planning meetings both shorter and more effective is...
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