The Agile Mindset Blog

Archive by tag: scrum valuesReturn
Do We Need to Have a Daily Scrum Every Day?

Do We Need to Have a Daily Scrum Every Day?

  • View Count 7535
In short, yes - absolutely. This is a common question I get from my clients. “We used to have weekly status meetings and now, with Scrum, we have them every day. Can’t we skip a few or just do twice weekly?” When I get a question like this, I can tell that the person asking doesn’t understand the purpose of the daily Scrum. And I will admit, when I was new to Scrum (having come from the world of project management) I fell into this too.
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Common Mistakes in the Daily Scrum

Common Mistakes in the Daily Scrum

  • View Count 20764
Of all the Scrum meetings, the daily Scrum is the one I am most likely to see done out-and-out wrong. I think this stems from the fact that many people learned what to do in the daily Scrum, but never learned what a daily Scrum is supposed to produce. The purpose of the daily Scrum is work coordination. It is a meeting for the team to…
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The Dangers of Creating a “Proxy” Product Owner

The Dangers of Creating a “Proxy” Product Owner

  • View Count 26554
Some of my clients grow frustrated with their disengaged, unskilled Product Owners. In an effort to get the work done, they create a new Scrum role called “Proxy Product Owner.” This person’s job, in a nutshell, is to do the “real” Product Owner’s job for them, particularly the…
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How to Deal with a Poorly Performing Scrum Team Member

How to Deal with a Poorly Performing Scrum Team Member

  • View Count 26102
One question I receive fairly often from harried ScrumMasters is: how do I help a poorly performing Scrum team member improve? What can I do to make that person perform better? To answer this question, you must decide if you agree with a key foundational belief in Scrum: the power of…
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Scrum

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Scrum

  • View Count 27737
My clients who are still unsure about Scrum often ask me, “What are the benefits we’ll reap from doing Scrum? What are the downsides to using it?” Oh my – I could write a book to answer this. Well… actually, I DID write a book about Scrum :) In 30 Days to Better Agile, I talk about…
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Scrum, Rugby and Teamwork

Scrum, Rugby and Teamwork

  • View Count 24872
With the recent popularity of the film “Invictus” and its inclusion as an Olympic sport coming in the 2016 games, many Americans are being exposed to rugby for the first time. Those of us who engage in agile software development practices know that the term “scrum” has its origins in rugby and that Scrum, the agile software development framework, is...
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